More rain today, it has rained here most of the time since Sunday. We're going to have to build a boat soon. LOL And the pollen is killer but I love seeing all the trees get there leafs back and the flowers blooming.
I have to get some packages ready for the mail and do a few errands in town, then I am hoping to get the rag quilt clipped and washed before the weekend. I need to get some more on ebay, I sold my last rag quilt and burp clothes on there so I am going to have to get in gear.
Still haven't had time to work on this and get it all figured out. But I got some great info. from the girl's in the RQQ's group. They are a great bunch and help so much. I also belong to another Great group and they are Wonderful "Best Friends Forever" . Between these two ebay groups there is never a dull moment. And I have found some beautiful friends.
Have to get busy now. I hope you all Have a Wonderful Day!!!!!!!!!!!!
December Island Batik Challenge
1 week ago